Everyone wants the formula, the recipe, the framework that says how to make the magic happen. Well here you have it. With The Dinner Party Strategy you can now confidently create an email onboarding strategy for your trial customers.
In less time than it takes a hipster bartender to make your locally sourced craft cocktail, you'll get the simple 6-part framework that builds connection, adds value, and drives revenue for your brand.
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microconf.comMicroConf 2015 There are 2 obstacles getting in the way of your visitors clicking your buttons: friction and anxiety. In this short presentation, see...
Struggling to decide between bootstrapping or seeking funding like venture capital, investment rounds, seed rounds, or something else to get your startup off the...
Steli Efti (Close) talks at MicroConf 2015 on how to build your own SaaS sales machine if you don't have piles of money from...