MicroConf Starter 2019
Abi is the founder of Pull Reminders. Pull Reminders helps teams knock out code reviews faster on GitHub and is used by over 1,000+ companies like Pivotal, Buffer, and Instacart. Come hear the story of how I went from losing my job to bootstrapping my business to profitability over the course of several months.
Pull Reminders ➡️https://pullreminders.com
MicroConf Connect ➡️http://microconfconnect.com
Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/MicroConf
E-mail ➡️ [email protected]
MicroConf 2020 Headline Partners
Stripe Twitter: @Stripe
Basecamp Twitter: @Basecamp
The inimitable Steli Efti has been a leader in the startup and SaaS sales landscape for years. Check out this live Q+A focused on...
I didn't know how to build a website, write sales copy, design, structure my business, close a deal, develop software, or do SEO. But...
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