MicroConf Starter 2019
After a year of full-time work, Ben has some new scars, some fresh knowledge, and a deep appreciation for the highs and lows of starting a business.
Check out more MicroConf Talks from Ben
➡️ microconf.com/speakers/ben-orenstein
Tuple ➡️https://tuple.app/
MicroConf Connect ➡️ http://microconfconnect.com
Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/MicroConf
E-mail ➡️ [email protected]
MicroConf 2020 Headline Partners
Stripe https://stripe.com
Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/Stripe
Basecamp https://basecamp.com
Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/Basecamp
In this episode of On-Air, Jesse Mecham, the founder of You Need A Budget, joins @RobWalling to chat about why core values and culture...
In her talk at MicroConf Growth US last year, Anna Maste walks through how she and her mother used community to grow Boondockers Welcome. ...
Jordan Gal is the co-founder of Rally and Carthook. During his time building Carthook, he learned some hard lessons about building on an existing...